Convening, Facilitating, Geospatial, Program co-design

Cofluence designed a cross-sectoral participatory event to provide an initial platform for engagement and co-design of the South Australian Government’s Geospatial Strategy.


We collaborated with the SA Department of Premier and Cabinet to engage a target audience from across key stakeholder clusters, including:


  • Government: federal, state and local government representatives across a range of portfolio interests
  • Private sector: providers of geospatial products, data, services and expertise
  • Education and research: representatives from a range of learning institutions, from early education through to tertiary, as well as sectoral education and certification bodies
  • ‘New spatial’: innovators, communicators and aligned sectors such as near-earth orbit space.


This interactive session used the focus of the Geospatial Strategy to help participants ‘sense-make’ the value of geospatial, and highlight ways that government policy and programs can boost the use of geospatial data, platforms and skills.