For over 30 years John has advised a wide range of organisations – corporations, government agencies, national associations, small businesses, charities – on their strategic communication needs.
John has an extensive background in public relations, strategic communication and stakeholder engagement with an intensive period for most of the past 20 years providing strategic communication services to many of Australia’s leading special interest organisations.
He has comprehensive experience in the range of contemporary strategies and tools required to effectively outreach to and engage with stakeholders, networks and communities of interest
John has a passion and an affinity for communicating and promoting issues and programs which make a difference to Australia’s social and economic landscape, particularly in a public purpose context.
Contact John
+61 417 443 811
john.wells @
Connect via social channels
LinkedIn: johnw3lls
Pinterest: johnw3lls
Skype: johnw3lls
Twitter: @johnw3lls
Facebook: johnw3lls