P E O P L Ewho combine experience with inspiration |
Through Cofluence you can check in with thought leaders, talk leaders, action leaders… people who genuinely ‘make a difference’, people who are innovating where it counts, who are influential or maybe Cofluential. People you might want to connect with. |

S P A C E Sthat enable public innovation & social shift |
What are the spaces in which we can tackle big dilemmas or small challenges together? Cofluence bridges institutions, knowledge communities, media channels, online tools, social tech as well as other platforms & spaces. |

I N T E R A C T I O N Sthat connect old challenges with new ideas |
Challenges are often best explored collaboratively. We convene & host forums & media channels on important topics; run campaigns & initiatives to amplify social knowledge, as well as support emerging innovators to think, link, lead & more through better dialogue. |
THE 'RIGHT' PEOPLE IN THE ROOM: Cofluence brings the principles and practices of 'convening power' to strategic conversations, with an outcomes focus.
THE 'RIGHT' KIND OF STRATEGIC DIALOGUE: We enable open, collaborative participation to co-create new approaches and co-design roadmaps for the collective way forward.
THE 'RIGHT' KIND OF DELIVERY & TAKE-UP: From strategic policy campaigns to code-a-thons or challenge events, the social impact shows up where social mobilisation happens.

Impact facilitation |

Interactive events |

Networked dialogue |

Multi-agenda mapping |

Strategic co-design |

Reportage & comms |

Sensemaking & modelling |

Group dynamics |
convening, collaborating, coordinating

Designing interactive sessions and collaborative working approaches in these volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times means acknowledging the current circumstances and immediate future context, and then creating the right conditions so that individuals can contribute their experience and skills in in ways that are meaningful and valued.
It also means the focused development of cultural dispositions that are compatible with this dynamic way of thinking and working.
Virtual convening and facilitation enables us to play a role in supporting your current strategic priorities, while also enabling all involved to be highly adaptive to emerging realities – responsive to strategic leadership, teams and stakeholders.
The key elements of a ‘virtual convening’ program for your organisation could include:
- Designing engaging and useful content for distributed staff or stakeholders
- Coordinating & delivering facilitated virtual sessions using multiple modes – these may be live linked dicussion (eg video sessions) or virutal collaboration (eg chats/channels)
- Facilitating virutal co-design activities across disciplines, time-zones and cultures.
- Providing leadership support & advice
- Enabling the real-time sharing of practice & lessons-learned
- Building a learning culture – shaping responses & harvesting insights for future use by organisation leadership.